Pierpont Holdings LLC
Pierpont Holdings LLC is an organization of Procurement Professionals focused on elevating Procurement’s business impact using Industry 4.0 tools, processes and methodologies.

Procurement 4.0
Procurement 4.0 leverages Industry 4.0 technologies including Machine Learning (ML), Robotic Programmable Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the practice of industries second largest business opportunity, Procurement. Pointedly, Procurement 4.0 is about “what” tools will drive the desired business benefits.

Strategic Sourcing 4.0
Sourcing 4.0 is an exploration of “how” procurement uses 4.0 tools differently. The tools alone, without the process, methods and behavioral reinvention leaves as much as 60% of the potential value out of reach. Pierpont asks “how do we change our processes and sourcing methods based on the new tools?”

Constraint-Less Bidding Methodology ™
Pierpont Holdings is the exclusive global licensor of the proprietary Constraint-Less Bidding Methodology. We rethink current practices and procurement operations to transform from a tactical cost-center to a valued business partner informing business decisions in real-time.
S2C Consulting
Pierpont’s Consulting service can help you make the most of your technology investments.

Technology Roadmap Consulting
We help evaluate your procurement technologies both in its current state and for your future vision. Pierpont also helps “size the prize” of the opportunity across both strategically managed and tail spend categories.
Current Technology Landscape Assessment
Pierpont’s diagnostic process maps your current procurement technology landscape to identify gaps and opportunities. We assess, costs, licensing frameworks, utilization rates and whether the expected outcomes are being achieved. This assessment contemplates current costs and benefits derived from existing technology investments and provides recommendations to maximize return on your current technology strategy and infrastructure.
Future Technology Investments Recommendations
Based on both your Current Technology Landscape Assessment and an exploration of your strategic goals and needs, Pierpont customizes a recommendation of technology choices designed to accelerate your team’s goals with an emphasis on organizational benefits. This roadmap is designed to work within your business constraints including costs, timing and IT demand.
Innovation, Savings & Value Opportunity Assessment
Pierpont Can:
…..Identify next-level approaches to deliver better impact on your strategically managed and tail spend categories. Pierpont accomplishes this by both seeing and mitigating the many Source-to-Contract (S2C) challenges that materially degrade the outstanding results your procurement team would otherwise deliver.
…..Help your team use next generation tools to creatively mine the rapidly evolving supplier landscape for new product, new process and new business model innovation and bring those differentiated ideas to the delight of your business stakeholders.
…..Show your team which Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Supplier Discovery solutions exist and how to use these to increase supplier-driven competition on bids to dramatically increase the favorable impact to your business.
…..Improve S2C cycle-times, increase bid analytics robustness on every major bid and increase utilization of digital tools to radically enhance decision-making and outcomes for the business.

CPO Strategy Consulting
We work with CPOs throughout their transformation journey to impactfully convert new technologies and methodologies into business value.
Selling a Strategic Vision to Senior Leadership
Diagnosing and quantifying the procurement opportunity is only part of the equation. To get the new vision funded, resourced and aligned around requires being able to sell this vision and this new approach to senior management. For this critical step, the right messaging approach matters. In this regard Pierpont can help you build the pitch deck to senior leadership supported by client specific facts and spend data.
Stakeholder Engagement and Messaging
To be successful, all critical stakeholders must know what the issues are and what the expected behavioral changes are to mitigate those issues. Additionally, a full change-management communication approach is necessary to drive lasting behavior change from your stakeholder group. Pierpont can help your team design the communication plan to key stakeholders to help ensure results stick.
Procurement and Stakeholder Change Management
The Source to Contract process requires both a process methodology and tools ecosystem change to be impactful. To enhance this process, Pierpont’s proprietary Enterprise Procurement Platform (EPSquared) provides critical dashboard data in near real-time regarding the heath of your business’ S2C process. Contact Pierpont Holdings LLC today for information regarding this evolutionary SaaS-based platform.
Procurement Process Transformation
Shifting the focus of procurement from executional efficiencies to sourcing effectiveness and cascading those efforts throughout the purchasing process.
Why Focus on Source-to-Contract (S2C)?
The Source-to-Contract (S2C) process is the next largest process after the sales process for your business. Increasingly this multi-trillion dollar annual process is controlled by a singular function within business, the Procurement Function. Therefore, to drive value in this process, we must make the S2C process more reliable, less resource demanding, less behavior-loss prone and more repeatable across the buyer-to-buyer variability that routinely exists.
Three Types of Procurement Value Loss
Through unpacking the routine losses experienced within the S2C process, we’ve categorized them into three basic groups: see it; compete it; and keep it. We work with customers to develop strategies specific to their organizational structure that identify and mitigate these value losses.
Extracting Strategic Intent from Tactical Tools
One of the things that Pierpont believes is missing from current procurement processes is a lower cost way to shore up capability gaps, negotiation gaps, tool gaps and deliver just-in-time remedies. How do you deliver the right guidance, to the right people, at the right time to deliver a differentiated set of outcomes? At Pierpont, we think we’ve cracked the code and we welcome you contacting us to bring those solutions to your business today.